The Non-Obvious Insights Blog. Non-Obvious Insights
The Non-Obvious Insights Blog.

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Since 2004.

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Singelringen Promotes "Single Power" As a Way of Living

Everywhere you turn online there is another site that introduces new ways to find that special someone.  From personality profiles on eHarmony to focusing on finding "recreational" friends on sites like – there seems to be some online service for everyone.  Public perception of online dating, too, has changed from assuming it was just … Read more

The Carnival of Marketing at Influential Interactive Marketing

Thanks to all for their patience while I pulled together this week’s Carnival of Marketing over the holiday weekend (in the US).  The posts from this week range from new great content online, such as TEDTalks, to new ideas like the Earthboards or marketing in SecondLife, to highlighting several posts from newer blogs out there … Read more

The Carnival of Marketing – Call for Submissions

One of the more popular blogs on marketing and PR today is Media Orchard.  Scott’s "Pick of the Orchard" are very useful daily posts on the top five or so marketing and PR related links worth reading online.  Piers does the same thing on marketing news and trends on both PSFK and Marktd.  Every once … Read more

Lessons from Vloggercon 2006

This weekend I am here in San Francisco for Vloggercon 2006, a small video blogging conference I have been working with over the past few weeks as a sponsor (through both Ogilvy and Intel) as well as an enthusiastic supporter of getting more people into vlogging.  Aside from being the first time that I have … Read more

The Ogilvy HIV/Aids 25 Blog

As most people who pay attention to global media know, this week is the 25th "anniversary" of the Aids epidemic worldwide.  Based on recent reports, the disease unfortunately seems destined to remain a killer in populations around the world.  Since long before I joined Ogilvy, the firm has been working with numerous clients in this … Read more

The Marketing of "An Inconvenient Truth"

One of the more anticipated documentaries coming up for widespread release across the country is the new film "An Inconvenient Truth" – focused on telling the real story of global warming and leveraging the growing popularity of Al Gore’s "resurrection" (as Wired magazine termed it) from the "former next president of the United States" – … Read more

Getting Global Insight on Trends from Search

Since websites have become primary information sources about companies and products in the late 90s, integrated marketing teams have been using web analytics to mine data about users and translate this into trend information and ammunition for testing the usability of websites.  One metric in particular that almost all marketing teams pay attention to are … Read more

Take the Multilingual Challenge: Globalize Your Blog

One of the things I have noted over the past year of blogging is that this blog receives a significant amount of traffic from locations outside of the US.  Intended or not, this blog has a global audience.  But like most of my fellow bloggers based in a single country, I don’t do much to … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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