About the Non-Obvious Insights Newsletter
Are you tired of reading the same predictable stories every week?
This email spotlights the underappreciated and fascinating stories every week that you might have missed, along with a thoughtful (and short!) point of view on why they matter. Every Thursday, you'll get a curated email featuring 5-6 new stories selected from hundreds of sources that make you think, and encourage you to be more open minded.
Want more Info? Read our recent issues:
Do you need a speaker that can help your audience be more innovative and anticipate the future?
For more than a decade, Rohit Bhargava has been inspiring audiences at NASA, Disney, Schwab, Microsoft, SXSW, Coca-Cola and hundreds of other clients with his signature non-obvious keynote presentations. He is a master at weaving recent stories into his talks in a way that helps audiences better understand the world today, while also preparing to lead the future.