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The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: A Kids Book About Diwali by Chhavi Arya Bhargava

kids book about diwali

Diwali is for everyone. That’s the biggest perspective you’ll get from A Kids Book About Diwali … which isn’t really just for kids. Going far beyond the usual holiday stories, this book clearly outlines the cultural traditions behind this important holiday in an inclusive way that incorporates the various traditions of the many faiths that … Read more

Can Tech in Cars Make Us More Considerate or Better Drivers?


As part of our Olympics trip this summer, we made a side visit to Lyon and drove across the border to Switzerland. Driving in Europe, one thing that became immediately clear is that drivers there understand the concept of a passing lane. In most places across the US, this seems to be a concept that … Read more

This Chatbot Could Actually Change Minds … Using Facts?!

Debunk chatbot

The prevailing wisdom about human behaviors and beliefs today is that facts are not persuasive in changing minds or shifting beliefs. Usually, it’s true. That’s one reason why there is so much focus on becoming a better storyteller and why every category from politicians to breakfast cereal marketers primarily relies on stories to connect with … Read more

UK Non-Profit Ties Baby Slings on Statues to Fight for Paternity Leave

UK NGO baby slings

Across London this week, people have been encountering an unusual sight. Statues of famous men are adorned with wraparound baby carriers filled with dolls. The exhibits are part of a campaign from non-profit Dad Shift to get the UK government to pass legislation allowing for greater paternity leave for new dads (the UK has the worst … Read more

Why Branded Reselling Platforms That Allow Customers to Sell Old Products to Each Other May Be Better Than Ebay

Ikea Ebay

Sustainability-first brands like Patagonia have taken their commitment to reuse to the furthest extreme by creating an entire ecommerce experience dedicated to allowing their customers to sell used products to one another. When the Worn Wear platform came out in 2020, the brand was criticized for their crazy idea of inviting their customers to keep … Read more

Women’s Athletics Are a Big Story at Paris 2024 … But Equality Remains a Challenge

Women’s Athletics Are A Big Story At Paris 2024 … But Equality Remains a Challenge

This is the first Olympics which will have true parity in terms of male versus female athletes and competitors. It’s a big story here at the Olympics, and rightfully so, but the Games also showcase a different reality that may not be realistic to project onto fan behavior outside these Games. Unlike non-Olympic time sports audiences, … Read more

The Best Part of the Olympics You Don’t Get to See … Country Houses

The Best Part of the Olympics You Don’t Get To See … Country Houses

For me, every Olympics has different highlights, from being one of the few non-athletes allowed in the Olympic Village in Beijing to watching Usain Bolt complete a fourth gold in Rio. One experience you might not see much coverage of are the unique country houses created by the delegations from various countries. This year, the houses featured … Read more

Welcome to a Future Where Food Is Made from Thin Air

Welcome To A Future Where Food Is Made From Thin Air

Last year when Henry and I were writing The Future Normal, we wrote about a trend we named Unnaturally Better and profiled Solar Foods, a company that had created a protein called Solein synthesized from carbon dioxide. Literally food from air. This week, I came across another story of a similar company called Savor that can create fats from air … Read more

Porto and the Importance of City Branding

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As I write this, I’m just off the stage here in Portugal at one of the largest business conferences of the year in Europe at the QSP Summit in the city of Porto. Aside from its picturesque location on the Northern coast, the country’s second largest city also enjoys a reputation as an award-winning destination due to a combination … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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