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What If There Is No Loneliness Epidemic?

What If There Is No Loneliness Epidemic

An epidemic suggests that something is spreading over a short period of time and is worse right now than it was in the past. By this definition, should loneliness qualify? The common wisdom today is that our devices are simultaneously making us more anxious and lonelier. This article suggests that perhaps the rise of loneliness isn’t … Read more

If Anyone Can Explain The “Weight Loss Revolution” … It Might Be Oprah

Oprah Can Explain The Weight Loss Revolution

The “meta-narrative” of Oprah’s legendary media career has been her weight loss and body image. As a result, she may be the perfect ambassador to explain the impact weight-loss drugs are having on the story of obesity in America and beyond. Should these drugs be considered medical treatment for a condition (obesity) that should be … Read more

Why the Key to Bringing Traditional Medicine Back Might Be Better Branding

Why The Key To Bringing Traditional Medicine Back Might Be Better Branding

Yes, this headline and the article it references are a conclusion that only a marketer could make. But it does have a point about how people react to beautiful branding in the health and wellness space. Mari Acupuncture Clinic engaged an agency to reimagine all their branding the result is absolutely stunning. It is easy to imagine a … Read more

Genomic Nutrition Is Coming and It’s Going to Be Popular

Genomic Nutrition Is Coming and It's Going to Be Popular

The promise is simple and appealing. Get your genetics tested so that you can optimize the food you eat based on your unique needs. Personalized nutrition is already a billion-dollar industry without much actual personalized science behind it. Imagine what will happen when the genomics start catching up. An early initiative hoping to pave a … Read more

How “Blamevertising” Explains The Modern American Healthcare Crisis


The industry trade group that represents the Pharma industry (PhRMA) is running a series of attack ads on “middlemen” – blaming Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) for high drug prices, suggesting they are making record profits by pocketing the discounts they are supposed to negotiate on behalf of patients. In response, the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association … Read more

“Brotox” and the Men’s Cosmetic Procedure Boom

The cheek implant was the fastest-growing men’s aesthetic procedure this past year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This so-called boom in “brotox” procedures, which includes everything from lip augmentations to butt lifts, is evidence of a growing willingness and social acceptance among men to consider undergoing beauty procedures. It may also be an … Read more

7-Eleven Japan Tests Palm Scanner to Check If You Are Eating Veggies

Radar speed scanners slow down drivers by showing them how fast they are going. The awareness creates the behavior change. Could the same idea shift how we eat? In Japan, 7-Eleven is testing a Vege-Check palm scanner that “uses reflection spectroscopy to measure carotenoid levels in a person’s skin.” These are the biomarkers that can estimate the amount of … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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