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Since 2004.

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The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: A Kids Book About Diwali by Chhavi Arya Bhargava

kids book about diwali

Diwali is for everyone. That’s the biggest perspective you’ll get from A Kids Book About Diwali … which isn’t really just for kids. Going far beyond the usual holiday stories, this book clearly outlines the cultural traditions behind this important holiday in an inclusive way that incorporates the various traditions of the many faiths that … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: VIDEO: Three Things That Make My New Book Non-Obvious Thinking Different …

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Buy on Amazon Buy on About the Non-Obvious Book Selection of the Week: Every week I will be featuring a new “non-obvious” book selection worth sharing. Titles featured here may be new or from the backlist, but the date of publication doesn’t really matter. My goal is to elevate great books that perhaps deserve … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: Stuff – Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things by Randy Frost and Gail Steketee

NOBW Stuff

How much stuff is enough? Most of us would agree that compulsive hoarding crosses a line, but how common is it exactly and what can the behavior of “those people” living amongst thousands of stacked up magazines incapable of getting rid of any teach us about our own humanity? You’ll find the answers in this … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: “Dead Wrong” by Dr. Geeta Nayyar

Dead Wrong

For every new video we see on social media about a miracle remedy, there’s a medical professional who is generally suffering in silence watching the misinformation baked into many of these supposed “cures.” The effects of some can be relatively innocent, like suffering through drinking more glasses of celery juice than necessary. Other online health … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man by Emmanuel Acho

NOBW Uncomfortable convos

This is the best kind of book about important questions. One that doesn’t preach or try to convert with the answers, but rather focuses on how to ask the questions with empathy … and to really listen to the answers. Should you call someone Black or African American? Is there a difference? When the author … Read more

How the Black List Changed Hollywood, and Might Change Publishing Too


Nearly twenty years ago, Franklin Leonard started publishing his Black List which collected “an annual survey of Hollywood’s best unproduced screenplays.” The goal was to help undiscovered projects find funding and backers. More than 400 of the forgotten works on his list were eventually produced, including blockbusters like Slumdog Millionaire and The King’s Speech. His efforts have … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: STFU – The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in An Endlessly Noisy World, by Dan Lyons


Fresh from hours of pundit cross examining and dissecting the first (and probably only) Presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, it’s hard to imagine a timelier read than Dan Lyon’s modern classic STFU all about why we might all be better off if we could just get better at staying silent: Learning to … Read more

The New Kids Book That Can Only Be Read While Outside Thanks to Sun-Activated Ink

New Kids Book

How can you encourage kids to get outside and off their devices? With a book that can only be read outside! Brazilian food brand Fruitella recently launched a campaign featuring a new book that parents can order which has “retro illustrations” and sun-activated ink so that you need to be outside in order to read it. … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week:

NOBW_last email

Per My Last Email: Witty, Wicked and Wonderfully Weird Workplace Words and Phrases by Stephanie K. Wright If you’ve ever felt surrounded by wallydrags (feeble or worthless people) or been forced to work for a numpty (a flat-out fool), this book has the antidote. Writer Stephanie K. Wright promises to “reinvigorate your vocabulary” with this fun collection of forgotten … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: Against Technoableism by Ashley Shew

NOBW Technoableism

“Rethinking who needs improvement” is the provocative subtitle of this book which offers a different perspective on disability that might just shift your perspective about what it means and the way that we often see and treat people with disabilities. As a disability advocate and college professor teaching undergraduates all about disability, she’s clearly used … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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