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Are Colleges and Universities Failing Liberal-Leaning Students by Not Challenging Their Perspectives?

Are Colleges and Universities Failing Liberal-Leaning Students By Not Challenging Their Perspectives

In a forthcoming book by Princeton Political Science Professor Lauren A. Wright, the author writes about her research process that involved interviews with self-described liberal and conservative students about the variety of topics and perspectives they are learning. She found a disproportionate number of conservative-leaning students are exposed to new perspectives or ideas that they don’t necessarily … Read more

Meet the Bizarre Top Ten Finalists in the 2024 Guthman Musical Instrument Competition

Meet the Bizarre Top Ten Finalists In The 2024 Guthman Musical Instrument Competition

In early March on the campus of Georgia Tech 10 finalists will meet for a face-to-face competition to take home a $10,000 prize and bragging rights in the Guthman Musical Instrument Competition. The contest is attracts innovators who are inventing the “world’s next generation of musical instruments.” This year’s finalists come from five countries and include The … Read more

The Beautiful Empathy of Common App’s New Direct Admissions Program

Common App

Applying to college can be an intimidating and humbling experience. Even more so for the student who may be the first in their family to consider going to a university. Lots of things can happen along the way to cause a young person to question their credentials and perhaps abandon the whole process. Now through … Read more

The Most Popular Non-Obvious Stories of 2022 (Based On Reader Feedback)

Based on this combination of quantitative and qualitative data, here is a partial list of some of the most popular stories of the year, based on what my readers shared.

Magazines Create Empathy That Can Change the World. Here’s How To Save Them.

Unlike a lot of online content, the stories and images in magazines are usually professionally produced by real talented editors and creators. The long take they regularly offer is unique and their ability to select and publish stories that are timely without feeling outdated is a constant inspiration for me to try and do the same.

My Non-Obvious Graduation Advice For Recent Grads

I’m just a few days away from my oldest son graduating from high school, and so I’ve been thinking a lot about graduation advice. A few years ago, I recorded a series of videos for Georgetown University sharing some of my best advice for grads inspired by my book Always Eat Left Handed. As I rewatched the … Read more

5 Ways To Conquer Zoom Fatigue

We are tired of Zoom. It’s not just Zoom, but the idea of being on video all day that is straining our relationship with the same video technology that once seemed like it might offer us a salvation from the isolation of working remotely. The fatigue is predictable, and growing. There are also some several … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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