As we head into the end of the summer and back to school times, learning might be on your mind and everyone else in your family too. Learning, of course, isn’t just for school and one of my favorite books all about how to learn better is Ultralearning by Scott H. Young. Nearly every page of this book is full of useful and non-obvious advice. Take notes as questions instead of answers. Attack your weakest point and learn that thing you find most difficult. If you care about long term retrieval, spend more time learning something instead of cramming.

The book not only shares short techniques like this, but it also maps out a process for putting those into action for everything from acquiring a new expertise to learning a new language. If you’re looking for an edge to learn something faster or want to help yourself become a better student of anything … this book has some ideas to help.
About the Non-Obvious Book Selection of the Week:
Every week I will be featuring a new “non-obvious” book selection worth sharing. Titles featured here may be new or from the backlist, but the date of publication doesn’t really matter. My goal is to elevate great books that perhaps deserve a second look which you might have otherwise missed.