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IdeaBar: CGM, the SuperBowl and a New Model for TV Advertising

The Superbowl is the real start to the new year for the advertising industry.  Just as the Chinese new year comes on a delay from the celebration of January 1st, the Superbowl manages to turn public attention to advertising in a way that is far beyond the other 364 days of the year.  As the … Read more

Mahindra Uses Blogs to Sell Tractors – Now What's Your Excuse?

For any marketer still questioning the value of blogs and social media for their brand and customers, here’s a case study worth paying attention to.  Mahindra has been getting some great press recently for stealing market share from Deere.  Aside from the impressive fact that they have managed to take on a longstanding "American" brand … Read more

Chalkvertising: Watch Julian Beever Create One of his 3-D Pavement Drawings

As a follow up to my earlier post about our campaign for Aveeno working with Julian Beever, we just posted a video on YouTube showing how Julian creates those amazing 3-D pavement drawings of his.  You can see all of his previous work in a Flickr Gallery, and the video is below:

Sun's Schwartz: A Model for the Social Media CEO?

This past weekend, the Saturday Interview in the business section of the NY Times focused on Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun.  Over the course of a single column, Schwartz shared more insight into the evolving media world (and how businesses should work) than most other CEO I have seen in recent past.  Among his gems … Read more

Social Media and the Enterprise: A Podcast Interview

Yesterday I had the chance to do a podcast interview for Tom Parish which he just posted on his Talking Portraits website.  The topic was initially about Social Media Optimization, but more specifically about the role of marketing with social media in the enterprise and some good discussion about common questions that people are asking … Read more

A Recap of 2006 on Influential Interactive Marketing

Let’s start with a warning … this is the "clip show" post where I recycle a lot of old material so if that causes you extreme pain, please close this window now and come back tomorrow.  For all the rest of you, it’s the holidays and a quick glance around the marketing blogosphere will show … Read more

Quantcast Offers Free Audience Data on 20 Million+ Sites

Yesterday I had a chat with Konrad Feldman, one of the co-Founders of a company called Quantcast that quietly launched an online measurement tool about two months ago which is currently in beta mode.  The tool is one of the first free resources I have seen focused on offering a complete picture of audience composition … Read more

Joining the 9 Rules Marketing Community

9 Rules is an online network of blogs dedicated to uniting bloggers passionate about their efforts in many different categories.  For more than a year, I have been an active reader of many of the blogs in the network; particularly in the marketing community.  Folks like Cameron Olthuis and Karl Long.  One of my favourite … Read more

Umbria Provides Marketers with Blogger Lists for Sale

On Monday, Umbria announced a new service that helps marketers to answer what is becoming a more and more common question – which bloggers are most influential for my brand or industry?  While there are many tools and methods that can be used to uncover these bloggers, the Umbria Connect service promises to provide marketers … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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