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Newsflash for The Algorithm is Dying

In case you hadn’t heard – has a new advertising campaign through their new partnership with Crispin, Porter & Bogusky (CP+B) focused on making a hero out of the algorithm.  The idea behind the marketing strategy is described on their blog: If you get great search results, you don’t care why or how you … Read more

Flat Whites in DC: Why Thinking Outside Your Region Matters

There is a restaurant in the Washington DC area called Cassatts which is the only location in all of DC where you can get a flat white.  For most people that might not mean much, but for anyone who has lived in Australia or New Zealand, the thought of starting a morning without your flat … Read more

The ROI of Blogging: Share Your Top 5 Stories

Two months ago, Charlene Li of Forrester produced a report on the ROI of blogging by comparing the relative spend on blogs to the spend required for focus group based research.  While some people immediately pointed out flaws in this reasoning, it was a great first step towards trying to define a model for measuring … Read more

5 Brilliant Marketing Ideas from SxSW

Over the next week, I’ll posting some of the other insights I will be taking from the event, but in the meantime here are just a few marketing ideas that struck me as remarkable or noteworthy from SxSW: Using the tag as the tagline.  Everywhere you look there are signs posted telling you what tag … Read more

A Recap of the PSFK Conference

Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend the first conference event put together by Piers and the team at PSFK focused on trends and ideas.  The agenda was very compelling going into it, and I did leave with many interesting insights and new ideas about marketing and communications.  Though I unfortunately had to duck out … Read more

Our (Packed) Event Calendar for March and April

It’s a sunny day in DC, the office is hot as spring seems headed toward us here on the east coast.  And as everyone knows, aside from flowers and birds, Spring is the season for conferences and marketing events to kick into high gear.  There are lots of events in the coming two months that … Read more

Canon And The Easiest Blog Marketing Opportunity Ever

Photography has been a passion of mine for a very long time.  When I was younger, I had considered having a career as a photojournalist, but over time that slowly morphed into just a passionate hobby.  Now I consider myself among the category of "prosumers" that are willing to spend money, time and effort on … Read more

IdeaBar: CGM, the SuperBowl and a New Model for TV Advertising

The Superbowl is the real start to the new year for the advertising industry.  Just as the Chinese new year comes on a delay from the celebration of January 1st, the Superbowl manages to turn public attention to advertising in a way that is far beyond the other 364 days of the year.  As the … Read more

The 2007 Marketer's Sneak Preview Guide to SuperBowl Advertising

Add to: | blinklist | | digg | yahoo! | furl | rawsugar | shadows | netvouz As the days count closer and closer to the Super Bowl this weekend, the hype about the ads is reaching the typical fever pitch that it always does each year as every news media outlet turns it’s … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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