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SixApart Provides a Model for Customer Segmentation

Yesterday I received my email invite to Vox, SixApart’s new blogging platform focused on helping people to launch personal blogs.  For some time now, I have been an admirer of SixApart’s marketing strategy and business plan for blogging.  Since I originally chose Typepad to host my blog, I have found their tools to be easy … Read more

The Carnival of Marketing at Influential Interactive Marketing

Thanks to all for their patience while I pulled together this week’s Carnival of Marketing over the holiday weekend (in the US).  The posts from this week range from new great content online, such as TEDTalks, to new ideas like the Earthboards or marketing in SecondLife, to highlighting several posts from newer blogs out there … Read more and Teens Changing the World

When I give presentations to Social Marketing folks, one of my favourite statistics is this interesting point: In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 13 million Americans made donations to relief efforts online and 7 million set up their own hurricane relief efforts using the internet. (Pew Internet) Think about that for a second.  … Read more

Wikimapia, Google's Green Summer and Marketing Mashups

Wikimapia is one of the most recent mashups with Google maps getting a lot of love on lately.  The site is a global effort to get people to describe the places they live in the same way that Wikipedia has become a global encyclopedia of knowledge on nearly every topic in the world.  The … Read more

The Next Phase of Travel Marketing

I recently came across – a very cool website that has a compilation of short films about various locations across North America.  Unlike other video submission sites, the focus of Turn Here is about recruiting filmmakers into a professional community and allowing them to house their work in a more professional environment.  Better yet, … Read more

In Pursuit of Clickable Video

One of the biggest buzz-inducing topics at Vloggercon this weekend was the concept of product placement in online video content and how this ability to incorporate an advertiser’s message directly into the story might offer vlogs the greatest chance of winning traditional TV advertisers.  There are a few shows, like FrenchMaidTV or 88Slide that I … Read more

Vloggers Give Online Content Life

At Vloggercon, the vibe is all about doing new undiscovered things with content.  Creating your own content is the holy grail, and anyone here without a camera of some sort either dreams about having one, or is a journalist.  And journalists are not faring so well.  The times between sessions are the most engaging, with … Read more

Lessons from Vloggercon 2006

This weekend I am here in San Francisco for Vloggercon 2006, a small video blogging conference I have been working with over the past few weeks as a sponsor (through both Ogilvy and Intel) as well as an enthusiastic supporter of getting more people into vlogging.  Aside from being the first time that I have … Read more

The Ogilvy HIV/Aids 25 Blog

As most people who pay attention to global media know, this week is the 25th "anniversary" of the Aids epidemic worldwide.  Based on recent reports, the disease unfortunately seems destined to remain a killer in populations around the world.  Since long before I joined Ogilvy, the firm has been working with numerous clients in this … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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