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The Next Phase of Travel Marketing

I2m_turnhere2 I recently came across – a very cool website that has a compilation of short films about various locations across North America.  Unlike other video submission sites, the focus of Turn Here is about recruiting filmmakers into a professional community and allowing them to house their work in a more professional environment.  Better yet, Turn Here offers opportunities for filmmakers to join their database to get commercial work from local businesses.  I love this idea for a variety of reasons.  Firstly because the site is a hub for high production quality videos taking you into a neighborhood in a certain region.  There is not enough of this kind of content online, and I can imagine it could be hugely influential in helping travellers (and local people) to decide where to stay, where to eat, where to visit and just about anything else that the typical adventure seeking traveller would want to do. 

The site also offers a great network for filmmakers to create a strong personal brand for themselves.  There is a blog profiling filmmakers and many opportunities for potential clients to view information about filmmakers and choose one to work with.  Deliverables range from a 45 second produced piece on your business, to longer more involved advertorial style formats.  The end result is the ability for local businesses to recreate that dream TV media hit only a few are lucky to get from a travel-oriented show or talk show on network television.  For restaurants or hotels, TurnHere also represents a unique opportunity to market themselves in context of their location – and the site even features a cool mashup with Google maps so people can locate the places they see in the video on a map of the area.  Best of all, TurnHere understands the power of content syndication – offering multiple ways for people to reuse and promote their content.  If you have a local business, work in travel marketing, or you are an aspiring filmmaker … make sure you check out TurnHere.

3 thoughts on “The Next Phase of Travel Marketing”

  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. Hi Rohit,

    Your readers should also know about Savory New York ( a site that is focused on providing professionally produced videos featuring top restaurants in New York City (and soon other major markets). The approach is different from TurnHere in that we produce all of the vidoes in-house in order to maintain control over quality and present a more impartial perspective. We do this by focusing on notable restaurants and allowing chefs and restaurateurs to talk about their establishments, thereby sharing their own unique stories. We hope you’ll take a moment to visit the site and see how this model differs from TurnHere and how it similarly provides value to travelers, and local food lovers as well.



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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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