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As Featured In: Offers a New Online Community for Boomers 50+

Several weeks ago, I had the chance to speak with Jeff Taylor (founder of about, his latest venture launching today.  The site is targeted to the increasingly influential group of boomers aged 50+ who are now either contemplating retirement or engaged in "active retirement."  Aside from the new advertising opportunities the site offers, … Read more

Yahoo Uses Giants of Advertising to Inspire Agencies

Working in advertising today, at least partially, is about nostalgia.  Dreams of making a career in creative ads that the world would be talking about are still around on Madison Avenue, though becoming more of a fantasy in a world that has found and embraced Tivo.  Yet the most powerful image of the golden age … Read more

Earning a Masters of Bzz Administration

Earlier this week I had the chance to participate in BuzzAgent’s first "MBA" program designed as an education course for Agency folks on how to work with BuzzAgent.  This is another step in BuzzAgent’s evolution from a model that competes with agencies to one that embraces them.  Agencies handle the creative and strategy, BuzzAgent works … Read more

In Pursuit of Clickable Video

One of the biggest buzz-inducing topics at Vloggercon this weekend was the concept of product placement in online video content and how this ability to incorporate an advertiser’s message directly into the story might offer vlogs the greatest chance of winning traditional TV advertisers.  There are a few shows, like FrenchMaidTV or 88Slide that I … Read more

Widget Marketing

When I was in business school, "widgets" were the term that we used to refer to units of a fictional product in case studies.  Today, widgets are those smart little applications meant to be used as small utilities in a blog, operating system or web browser.  A few months ago, SixApart launched Typepad Widgets to … Read more

Inside The Da Vinci Code Marketing Strategy

After much fanfare over the last few weeks, The Da Vinci Code opens in theaters across the US today.  Though some early reviews from the Cannes Film Festival premier have been less than perfect, there is no denying that the marketing machine behind the film has generated buzzworthy firsts, from partnering with Google to open … Read more

Watch an Ad Online, Win $10 Million Dollars

Michael Arrington of TechCrunch (one of the best blogs for info on emerging startups today) points to an intriguing new advertising based site called  The site creates a new business model by asking users to view ads prior to playing a faceoff style "AdverTournament" with other users.  Each time you win a round, you … Read more

The Arrival of Product Placement on Blogs

Anyone in the marketing and advertising industry has probably followed the evolution of product placement on TV and in films with interest.  With the Tivo phenomenon changing how consumers view (or skip) the 30 second spot, some say the future of television is in product placements.  But what about product placement and sponsorship on blogs?  … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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