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Student Caught Using AI, So His Parents Sued School. This is Why It Matters …

AI classroom

“Parents sue school after son gets punished for using AI on class project.” That’s the short summary of a story trending this week about Massachusetts-based Jennifer and Dale Harris who are suing their son’s school claiming the student handbook “failed to clarify when AI could be used appropriately.” The story is a symbol of a confusing reality … Read more

Adobe Helps Creators Protect Their Work with Digital Content Credentials

Content Credentials

You would expect Adobe, a company that has millions of professional creators using their software tools every day to find ways to support that community. Their newly-announced Content Credentials feature is a way to add metadata specifically to images and video that can certify the rights of the creator. As the challenge of digital rights continues to … Read more

The First Profession to Be Replaced by Robots Could Be … Sports Referees?

Robotic refs

In theory, a robotic referee would never miss a call, show bias or be bribed. It would make decisions instantly and eliminate the sometimes-agonizing wait involved in sports where video replay is used to review and sometimes change a call already made on the field. In other words, the data shows robots would make much better … Read more

This Chatbot Could Actually Change Minds … Using Facts?!

Debunk chatbot

The prevailing wisdom about human behaviors and beliefs today is that facts are not persuasive in changing minds or shifting beliefs. Usually, it’s true. That’s one reason why there is so much focus on becoming a better storyteller and why every category from politicians to breakfast cereal marketers primarily relies on stories to connect with … Read more

Why I Paid Human Musicians + Artists to Create the Sonic Identity for My Podcast

Non Obvious Show

Earlier this week I posted on LinkedIn about a project that my team and I have been working on for nearly a year. During the pandemic, I created a video show which many of you watched. After a smart suggestion (and fair criticism) from Chhavi about how two heads talking wasn’t really compelling on video … I … Read more

The Real Reason the “Created with Human Intelligence” Badge Probably Won’t Work

The Real Reason the Created With Human Intelligence Badge Probably Won't Work

Freelance artist Beth Spencer had a brilliant idea that went viral. She suggested that artists hand draw their own version of a “created with human intelligence” badge to put on their work to distinguish it from AI-generated art. The idea caught fire among other designers presumably also looking for a way to separate their art … Read more

A First Look at America’s Smartest Highway

America's smart highway

Driverless vehicles are obviously going to be part of humanity’s future, but they aren’t experiencing a great PR moment right now. Every day it seems there is another story about an incident involving a driverless vehicle hitting someone, mistaking something on the road or generally malfunctioning. Not to mention the justifiable fears of hacking that … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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