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Since 2004.

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Do we need Fanatical Support?

I came across a print ad in Wired Magazine the other day for Rackspace, a provider of managed hosting solutions, and the entire ad was devoted to their tagline "Fanatical Support is the difference."  Intrigued at a campaign which seemed hinged on a word that typically evokes a negative reaction (fanatical), I read further.  They … Read more

Sneak Preview: Ogilvy PR BlogFeeds

As part of our sponsorship of tomorrow’s WE Media Conference in New York, we started thinking about how we could offer something of value to the conference attendees beyond a typical brochure about our services. The conference aims to explore the ways in which new forms of communication are changing the way that we converse … Read more

Collective Voice and Blogs

The theory of an encyclopedia built through the collective contribution of thousands of laypersons seems to defy logic. After all, how can you rely on individuals to work together with relatively few rules in order to develop a common encyclopaedic view of the world?  But despite the obvious problems, Wikipedia works – an online measure … Read more

Sent from my Blackberry Wireless …

I read somewhere that Michael Jordan used to get $30,000 every time he sneezed. He wasn’t getting paid to sneeze, of course, that’s just how much he would make every microsecond of the day based on his annual dollars from salary and sponsorships. Much of it came from retail fashion (sports apparel) – an industry … Read more

Scariest Viral Marketing Campaign Ever

Movie marketing is always fun to watch, because in the midst of all the formulaic voice-overs in the same baritone predicting a hero or heroine finding "the one thing they never expected" … there is also a furious desire/necessity to do something different to connect with audiences and increase intrigue enough to get "bums in … Read more

Are Bloggers the Historians of our Time?

This weekend I came across Joel Achenbach’s weekly article in the Washington Post Magazine on the topic of blogs.  In it, he satirically notes the growing influence of bloggers and blog culture on himself and his readers: I constantly tell myself: Ignore the blog. Do your work. You are an enormous literary figure and cultural … Read more

The Rule of Recency – Why Updating Content Matters

A recent ad in the Washington Post takes aim at the’s of the Internet who have taken away ad revenue from job classified ads (a cash cow for newspapers in the past).  The ad copy reads "The average job listing in The Post is 2 days old. The average job listing online is 2 … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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