The Non-Obvious Insights Blog. Non-Obvious Insights
The Non-Obvious Insights Blog.

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Since 2004.

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The Evolution of Marketing

Several weeks ago, a few of my colleagues gave a presentation to our entire office about the field of word of mouth marketing, learnings from the WOMMA conference and what this means for our clients.  After the presentation, several members of our social marketing team commented that this area seemed to be nothing new.  After … Read more

The Word of Blog

Imagine if online media outlets only ran advertising that they agreed with?  Of course, this level of censorship would never be tolerated (or legal), however blogs hold a special distinction when it comes to running advertising.  As a blog owner, you have complete control over what ads you display.  Unfortunately, the most prevalent form of … Read more

Starwood Launches a Katrina Online Relief Auction

I recently came across a great travel/advocacy campaign sponsored by Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide (up from October 20-27).  Taking the idea of donating your frequent flier miles to the next stage, the site features an online auction with more than 800 travel related items including a "Carolina Getaway with tickets to a pro football … Read more

The Storyteller Instinct at We Media

Attending the We Media conference last week, one key theme began to emerge for me from the many insightful panels  — that the "storyteller instinct" is the driving force behind much of the change happening in the media industry today.  Consumer generated media, in large part, is driven by individuals’ need to tell their stories.  … Read more

Sneak Preview: Ogilvy PR BlogFeeds

As part of our sponsorship of tomorrow’s WE Media Conference in New York, we started thinking about how we could offer something of value to the conference attendees beyond a typical brochure about our services. The conference aims to explore the ways in which new forms of communication are changing the way that we converse … Read more

Word of Mouth Marketing is not just Buzz

Whenever I describe the power of word of mouth marketing for clients, I’m careful to avoid putting the term "buzz" in the same sentence.  While creating a buzz is important and is certainly a component of word of mouth marketing, it also hints of transcience.  What constitutes buzz today can often be gone tomorrow.  Movie … Read more

BridgeBlogging for Social Awareness

The launch and initial success of Current TV is just one of the many new manifestations of this idea of citizen journalists who are augmenting, and some would argue, overtaking traditional media in terms of credibility in reporting real life as it happens.  Aside from empowering individuals and growing from its small and dedicated audience … Read more


Yesterday was Blog Day 2005, a day when blogger Nir Ofir suggested everyone post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs (preferably, Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude).  Looking at the list of posts about Blog Day, it was fascinating how far the idea travelled, from Ofir’s original posting on June … Read more

360 Degree Digital Influence

Though I consider myself a marketing-guy at heart … the past few years of my career have been spent working first in advertising agencies, and most recently in a large public relations agency.  Ok, I know they’re all connected – but today I’m glad that I’m in public relations.  With the rise of blogs, and … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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