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Since 2004.

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The New US Airways Missed WOM Opportunity

As part of the merger between US Airways and America West airlines announced in November last year (2005), they had an intriguing new decision to make about the beverage brands that they served on their flights.  America West had Pepsi and Budweiser, US Airways had Coke and Miller.  Over the past decade, both brands in … Read more

Using Advertising for Micropayments

One of the biggest hurdles that online publishers have faced in trying to make money from content has been the lack of a single standard for micropayments.  While services like Paypal have made strides in popularizing a form of digital cash, micropayments of less than 1 cent still remain impossible online.  As a result, sites … Read more

Are Customers Photoshopping Your Logo?

I remember about five or six years ago going through Coke’s brand guidelines for agencies in preparation for a project we were about to design for them.  It was a nearly 50 page document with details about everything from pantone colors, to reverse out instructions to where to place the trademark symbol in relation to … Read more

The Consumer as Advertiser

With all of the attention devoted to the many new ways that consumers are finding to avoid advertising, from Tivos to popup blockers, one interesting result of the explosive growth of personal media is the phenomenon of the consumer as advertiser.  One popular example is when Joe Jaffe created a Nike spot with the hanging … Read more

Passat Uses 120 Online Videos to Engage Users

About a month ago, I read about VW releasing a new microsite as part of their marketing for the new Passat where they would include 120 short videos produced by 5 different production companies to highlight the 120 "not-so-standard" new features on the car.  Over the last few months, there have been lots of other … Read more

Interactive Moves the Agency "Line"

In a lively discussion of all the judges as part of the Caples Awards that I was in New York last week to help judge – one of the topics of conversation turned to the composition of today’s multidiscipline agency teams.  With the trends towards integrated marketing and agency consolidation in the industry, what many … Read more

The Word of Blog

Imagine if online media outlets only ran advertising that they agreed with?  Of course, this level of censorship would never be tolerated (or legal), however blogs hold a special distinction when it comes to running advertising.  As a blog owner, you have complete control over what ads you display.  Unfortunately, the most prevalent form of … Read more

IMvertising in an Interruption Culture

We have been living in an interruption culture.  Many authors, including Seth Godin, have rightly pointed out the pitfalls of interruption marketing in this environment.  Grabbing the consumers attention with interruption and hoping for engagement is a dying model.  Consumer respond to messages that are relevant, and are presented at a relevant time.  Timing is … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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