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The New Kids Book That Can Only Be Read While Outside Thanks to Sun-Activated Ink

How can you encourage kids to get outside and off their devices? With a book that can only be read outside! Brazilian food brand Fruitella recently launched a campaign featuring a new book that parents can order which has “retro illustrations” and sun-activated ink so that you need to be outside in order to read it. The effort is a clever campaign to attract attention for the snack brand, but the concept is one that you could imagine being applied in many different situations too. I’m already thinking about ways that we might use this ink and technology to help underscore the idea behind my upcoming book to try and help people “see what others miss” …

Invisible ink t-shirts. Hidden pages of content in a book. Sun-activated promo items for giveaway at live events. Sometimes you read a story that really gets your creative mind spinning with possibilities. This one did that for me and perhaps it will do the same for you too. Now we just have to decide what tagline and design to put on our invisible Non-Obvious t-shirts. Let’s brainstorm together. The best marketing idea anyone shares back in an email reply will win a free signed copy of Non-Obvious Thinking and t-shirt once we design them!

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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