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Vloggers Give Online Content Life

At Vloggercon, the vibe is all about doing new undiscovered things with content.  Creating your own content is the holy grail, and anyone here without a camera of some sort either dreams about having one, or is a journalist.  And journalists are not faring so well.  The times between sessions are the most engaging, with hundreds of conversations breaking out all over the Swedish American Hall.  It makes anyone at the event wonder why there isn’t more open time to chat and less scheduled time.  The interactions here are all about the next evolution of content.  When videos are posted online, they are taken and reused.  There are panel discussions about mashups, remixing, re-editing and other ways to find content and repurpose it online.  It is this fact that distinguishes the entire vlogging movement from anything else in personal media.  Blogs and even podcasts are about having your voice and letting those voices get amplified.  Vlogging in many cases is about adding your content to the group archive and letting others take it and do more with it.  Content lives beyond it’s initial life … and most vloggers are comfortable with that.  Intellectual property protection is also a topic of conversation here, but protecting IP can’t be about putting artificial walls up around content.  Content has to be fluid.  I wonder if this is the true groundswell that vloggers have to offer the personal media revolution.  Not the addition of video content online, but rather the necessity to let that content travel from person to person and live a life of it’s own.

5 thoughts on “Vloggers Give Online Content Life”

  1. I have to say Rohit…I wish I was in SF for this conference. Sounds amazing. I watched a few of the videos from your previous post. Sounds like they are on the cutting edge…Good stuff. First few days of my blog. I feel a bit behind the times.

  2. Rohit – sorry, I saw you and the name clicked but did not fully click as I need sleep from a week-long event. We should have met up.

    The one disappointing thing? Not many PR people that were there just to learn, rather than be there for clients.

  3. Jeremy,
    You’re right – I met only a few PR people, and mostly from smaller companies too. Big PR types were notably absent from conversation and sponsorship. After having worked with the conference organizers and getting a sense of what is on the way for vloggers – I imagine next year a greater part of our industry will by paying far more attention.

  4. Or, Rohit, they’ll be in the dark again. I gotta write that post, but this past weekend I spent time with two of the companies there, so I think I have a jump-off point for the post. 🙂

    Oh, and just gonna link to your other Vloggercon post, as it is a great primer.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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