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The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: Infectious Generosity by Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson knows big ideas. As the head of TED, the global organization behind TED talks and TED X events, he has been witness to the backstory of more big ideas than most. His biggest is that humans are hardwired to be generous. Not that it’s easy to remember that in a world that seems colder than it actually is. Yet the stories he tells and examples he brings together offer a reminder that we all can give ourselves the grace to be our most generous selves and make a difference in the world around us along the way. It’s a perfect message to share at the start of the year.

From explaining the power of courageous generosity to outlining exactly how mainstream media could shift our global experience of generosity, to how big tech could implement changes to algorithmically elevate generous stories, this book is the ultimate guide on how to bring more generosity to our worlds by practicing more of it ourselves and making it part of our core identity to do it.

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About the Non-Obvious Book Selection of the Week:

Every week I will be featuring a new “non-obvious” book selection worth sharing. Titles featured here may be new or from the backlist, but the date of publication doesn’t really matter. My goal is to elevate great books that perhaps deserve a second look which you might have otherwise missed.

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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