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Why Amazon Is Filled with Garbage Ebooks and How They Could Fix It

Why Amazon Is Filled With Garbage Ebooks and How They Could Fix It

An article from Vox this week explored why exactly Amazon is filled with so many garbage ebooks, and the answer is infuriatingly straightforward. AI makes it easy to generate content, Amazon makes it too easy to publish large volumes of ebooks with minimal quality standards and effective growth hacker marketing makes it easy to promote these … Read more

Inside the Big Announcement from Author’s Equity and How It Changes Book Publishing

Inside the Big Announcement from Author's Equity and How It Changes Book Publishing

Two of the best-selling non-fiction authors from the past decade have both indicated they will skip the traditional publishing deals and choose to go with new hybrid publishing entity called Authors Equity for their next books. They have also taken a stake in the company. And it’s founded by the former CEO of Penguin Random House. This … Read more

WSJ Just Killed Its Bestseller List. Do These Lists Even Matter Anymore?


Books are an anomaly when it comes to how “bestsellers” are ranked. Movies are judged by their total box office numbers. Music is rated based on listens and album sales cumulatively. By contrast, a bestselling book generally earns that designation after a single great week of sales. Or in the case of an Amazon bestseller, maybe … Read more

How One-Star “Review Bombing” on GoodReads Is Tanking Books and Manipulating Public Opinion

Recently in a workshop I was leading, a gentleman mentioned he would often judge a book by its Amazon reviews. The problem with this strategy is that sometimes those reviews are unfair, biased or come from people who have never actually read the book. Author Cecilia Rabess is a case study in what happens when a book … Read more

The 75 Best Non-Fiction Books of 2021 | Non-Obvious Book Awards Announcement

It’s finally time! After nearly a year of reading, debating, and curating … we are ready to announce the best non-fiction books of the year that we have selected to include on the 2021 Non-Obvious Book Awards Longlist. Our picks this year span every category of non-fiction, from self-help to investigative journalism to memoirs. For these … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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