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World Population Will Decline Starting In 2064, Shifting the Current World Order

After peaking at 9.7 billion people in the year 2064, researchers believe that the world’s population will begin to decline. The primary reason cited is more empowerment of women/girls and widely available contraception. The researchers go on to talk about the major impact this is likely to have on economies around the world, and particularly the balance of power as current “third world” nations will be the ones who likely have the highest percentage of productive young people working.

Still, this means the world has yet to add another billion people before we reach this peak – so given the problem is decades away, we can be sure almost every politician and government will completely ignore the report.

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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