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The Personality Project: Women of Personality

There are generally three kinds of ideas. The most popular two are the ones that you act on right away and those that you never do anything about. Those are the majority. Most of us love the third kind. Those are the ideas that are too big or complex or important to do quickly, but that you simply cannot let die because of how you feel about them. Today I finally launched that kind of idea. Since Personality Not Included came out about a year ago – I have been getting emails from people sharing their experience with the book and how they felt about it’s main premise that businesses (like people) need to have a strong and authentic personality.

Soon after the book launched, I noticed that many of these emails were coming from women working in professional roles and those that had started their own businesses. These female entrepreneurs were responding to the message of personality in a way that I didn’t expect. So since that moment I started thinking about bringing those voices together. Of course, part of the reason would be to promote my book … but like most authors the important thing for me was for my idea to find a home and actually help people change their careers or make their business more successful.

So today, you can download a free ebook called “The Personality Project: Women of Personality.” It is an effort to get visionary people in many industries to talk about why personality matters. This ebook features 40 business women that I respect and admire who each agreed to share their story as part of the ebook. These include founders and CEOs, best selling authors, popular bloggers and online personalities and even the first woman to ever row solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

See the ebook embedded below and click on it to download a free PDF copy:


Once you get a chance to read it, please visit each of the contributors sites and blogs, buy their books and support their efforts. The best thing you can do is to validate their ideas and use their examples to improve your own business and your career. And then let them know they made a difference.

2 thoughts on “The Personality Project: Women of Personality”

  1. Congrats Rohit and thanks for responding to your readers in this way. After I finish reading your ebook, I look forward to posting more at Women Grow Business (where many women entrepreneurs with personality, brains, sass, and more share their success!).

    Thanks again and hoping all is well.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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