Recently Released: My New Book

Non-Obvious Thinking is my latest book about the 4 secrets of becoming a non-obvious thinker - released 10/01/2024.
About Rohit

Rohit Bhargava is a trend curator, founder of the Non-Obvious Company and the 3-time Wall Street Journal bestselling author of ten books.
It was Santa Claus vs “the Grinch.” Likability had little to do with it. It was about buying votes. Fear drove the winning side. That and the failure of voters to be able to admit they failed in the last Prez election.
I voted for someone I did not like. I didn’t like him then, and still don’t. This is the second Prez election in row I have done this.
Does likability help? Yes, it did not decide this election. Fear, and greed did that.
cool i like this article
Simply brilliant! Likability is so real, somethings will never change.
Amazing presentation Rohit, I have just order your book, do you think likeonomics will be a trend in 2013?
Amazing presentation Rohit, I have just ordered your book, do you think likeonomics will be a trend in 2013?
Wow.. no wonder obama won! 😀
Obama won simply because he had no really good opposition.