Just in time for the end of the year, the team at Information is Beautiful has put together an infographic with all the “positive trends and admirable global breakthroughs of 2023.” On the list is everything from promising new medical treatments to city-wide pronouncements that are likely to make a major impact to improve local environments.
Looking at the range of news stories and worldwide initiatives, you might just start to feel a little better about the future of humanity in the coming year. We still have lots of problems, but browsing this visualization of stories brings hope that we can solve more problems than we create and that the future doesn’t have to be a disaster.
Remember, the only future we can make is the one we can imagine. So, these are the kinds of stories we should all be reading and sharing as we bring 2023 to a close.
The Most Positive and Uplifting News From 2023 … in an Infographic