One day I am going to write a screenplay. I used to write plays, but to finally write a screenplay and try to sell it to Hollywood is a great ambition of mine that I will probably chase one day. But this blog is most definitely about marketing and not screenwriting. So why bring up my Hollywood ambitions? I’m glad you asked. The main reason is because I recently discovered that one of the best marketing books that I have ever read just got a sequel … and they are both probably titles that you have never heard of, because they are not marketing books at all. The first and second book are both called Save the Cat! – but have different subtitles, and each is focused on helping screenwriters to create, market, and sell their script in Hollywood.
The author, Blake Snyder, is a highly successful screenwriter himself and subtitled his first book "The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need." It’s not an exaggeration. Since that time, the book has gone on to be a best seller and has become the basis for screenwriting courses at Cornell University. Blake just published a "sequel" called Save the Cat! Goes to the Movies: The Screenwriter’s Guide to Every Story Ever Told
which I ordered a few days ago and am waiting for Amazon to deliver so I can get into it. But why am I recommending a guide for screenwriters to you for marketing?
For one thing, because his first book provided a lot of inspiration for me as I wrote Chapter 4 of Personality Not Included last month (you’ll know what I mean soon) and the book overall is one of the more brilliant insider books about any industry that I have come across. He has a blog too and his latest post is a brilliant piece of irony about the next version of his screenwriting software which uses his formulaic approach to help aspiring screenwriters follow the proven model to selling their screenplay.
If you have any interest in improving your marketing writing, understanding more about how the Hollywood marketing machine works, or just grabbing an entertaining book that will offer some useful marketing and storytelling ideas – I highly recommend picking up the first Save The Cat! Especially because now that the sequel is out, you had better get cracking on the first …
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