Apple announced all the finalists for their App of the Year awards and the majority are the sorts of apps you would expect. Image manipulation tools and productivity apps to help you create better images, videos, or content. Buried within the awards announcement, though, is a category that stood out: apps that deliver “Cultural Impact.” The eight selections in this group are fascinating.
Shortlisted apps in this category include an app to help women track menopause symptoms, an “eco-conscious adventure” where you can see the world through the eyes of the last fox on Earth, a Montessori pre-school game that promises it is “designed to NOT be addictive,” an app that helps non-speaking people communicate, and a food waste reduction app that helps people pick up “surprise bags” of excess food for a low price from bakeries, restaurants and supermarkets at the end of the day before they throw it out.
The apps are worth browsing and the good news is that several of them are available for Android too for all of us non-iPhone users.
Cultural Themes from Apple’s App of the Year Award Finalists