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Since 2004.

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Casting Call: Your Chance to Speak at Ad:Tech NY

One of the questions I have gotten from more than a few readers is how to get into speaking at events and conferences.  It is surprisingly more easy than it may seem, but the real challenge is breaking into your first conference speaking chance.  Perhaps you work for a small company, or you are still … Read more

8 Unique Reasons People Like Twitter (And Why Microblogging Matters)

On the surface, capturing what you are doing on daily, hourly or even minutely (double meaning intended) basis seems like a useless activity.  Who has the time to send these incessant "tweets" all day long?  As it turns out, lots of smart folks with respectable jobs, but that’s besides the point.  Driven by Mark Simon’s … Read more

The Ogilvy Blogger Outreach Code of Ethics (Beta Version)

One of the recent threads of conversation you might have picked up on in several circles is a backlash from bloggers against marketing and PR folks who are pitching them all sorts of irrelevant news items and worthless products.  Lots of bloggers are sick about it, and though I’m probably more forgiving than other bloggers … Read more

5 Web2.0 Sites That Don't Forget About Usability

Several years ago I wrote a two hundred page thesis for a Masters program all about user interfaces.  The premise was that simplicity and usability were guiding principles to making any online site successful (seems obvious, I know, but it didn’t use to be).  Since the late nineties, the importance of usability had slowly been … Read more

Why Everyone Hates To Love Technorati (But Does Anyway)

For all of the criticism about Technorati’s inconsistent ranking figures or recent team changes, the one thing the site has intuitively understood from the beginning is the inherent desire for bloggers to be ranked.  Though there are lots of industry based lists (such as the Power150, Viral Garden Top25, and Peter Kim’s newly launched M20) … Read more

Add Your Votes To The New SxSW Panel Picker

For those who follow this blog, you know that I attend and speak at a lot of events.  Each has a different vibe and type of attendee – and I’ve been to some amazing events and heard many fantastic speakers.  This past year, one that stood out was the annual South by Southwest Festival that … Read more

What If Consumers Could Generate Ads They Want To See?

Last week I sent myself an email to generate a Google text ad.  As any Gmail user knows, Google serves ads based on the text content of your email.  So corresponding back and forth with a good friend of mine whose wedding I will be attending in Peru next month results in several offers for … Read more

How To Find Sites Faster Online Without Using Google

Google is great when you are searching for a single webpage or source of information.  Many of my searches still fit that category – so I’m a big Google user.  The problem is, more and more often I find myself searching not for a single page, but for a web site.  A lot of times … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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