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Since 2004.

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8 Ways Arts Organizations Can Be More Human

When I was 17 years old, I wanted to be a playwright. Deciding that I was going to try and learn from within, I landed an internship at the well known Studio Theater in Washington DC. It was 1992, and they were producing a show called Spunk – which adapted several short stories from Zora … Read more

12 Powerful Ideas On Creativity & Business From The PSFK Conference

Groucho Marx once quipped, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” I always feel his sentiment just a little bit everytime I agree to speak at any event because I am passionate about trying to share the stage with people much smarter than I am. So when … Read more

5 World Changing Ways To Avoid BS And Be More Believable

I was on a short flight from NY back to DC yesterday and opened a copy of the NY Times to find a full page ad with the simple declaration “Marketing is BS.” Beneath that attention-grabbing headline, Adobe called this “Myth #1” as part of their campaign to speak to marketers and business people about … Read more

7 Useful Tips From Real B2B Brands On Using Social Media To Drive Sales

When it comes to social media, it is popular to talk about the importance of reputation. The better your reputation, the more likely people are to trust you. The more trust you have, the more easily you can sell anything to anyone. This logic makes sense. In most cases it works. But it has been … Read more

How Personal Relationships Will Make (Or Break) The Future Of The Arts

For Nate Dern, the unlikely path to acting micro-stardom would come from a simple three letter catchphrase that most people would barely consider a word. As the artistic director of the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York and a sociology PhD student at Columbia University, Nate had spent years auditioning for different roles. In … Read more

LinkedIn Turns To Curation To Solve The Web’s Biggest Problem

Today LinkedIn announced that they are creating an exclusive list of 150 celebrities and influencers who anyone will have the ability to “follow.” There will be no pesky 140 character limit on what these influencers can post (there’s a new blogging feature too) and the assumption is that they will share mostly business-related thoughts. Some … Read more

The 8 Year Website Redesign

If there is one fact I have seen over and over from just about anyone who runs a website … it is that we all are constantly dreaming about redesigning our sites. Almost from the day we launch, we can’t help thinking about all the things we would like to add to our sites and … Read more

The Surprisingly Simple Secret of Social Advertising

There is a military technique described by the acronym LTD which you should know about. It stands for Laser Targeting Designators and it is basically a laser light source which is used to designate a target. In other words, by "lasing targets" – you put a marker on something so that when you shoot at … Read more

The Best And Worst Of London 2012 Olympic Marketing Roundup

NOTE – To see a full visual roundup of the best and worst marketing, visit my London 2012 Olympic Marketing – Best & Worst Pinterest Board. As the world turn its attention to the Games in London today, I'll have to indulge my Olympic passion from afar this time around.  I've been a lover of the Olympics … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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