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How Cat Videos Are Killing Your Credibility

Real experts don’t talk about cat videos. There is a strangely troubling trend I have come across recently that seems to be once again afflicting presentations at business events around the world. It comes down to the ubiquitous cat video – and its closely related cousin, the animated cat GIF.  Don’t get me wrong. I … Read more

The 300 Year Old Female Entrepreneur Story You’ve Never Heard

“Started by a woman, in a time when women didn’t start companies.” These are the powerful first words that introduce the story behind a brand you probably forgot you have in your kitchen right now. Kikkoman is the #1 best selling soy sauce brand worldwide, in a category filled with syrupy competitors that can rarely … Read more

How I Launched A Startup, Failed, Moved To Australia, Got Fired And Wrote A Best Seller

Someone asked me tonight what my “story” was – and I always wish for a better answer to that question.  After all, I spend a good part of my life telling stories and helping companies to tell them as well.  Tomorrow I will be spending an entire day at an event called the Future of … Read more

How LinkedIn, YouTube & Others Could Finally Cure Stupidity Online

The greatest collection of human stupidity ever amassed sits on the Internet … and you probably encounter it every day. When you go online today, there is some great content – and a deluge of bad, useless or otherwise idiotic content. It is common knowledge that content creation online is exploding and that much of … Read more

How To Write An Open Letter Like Jeff Bezos

The open letter is an art form that not enough companies have learned to use effectively. This morning after the announcement that The Washington Post would be taken over by Amazon – one of the first commentary pieces to emerge was an open letter from Jeff Bezos to Amazon employees (published on The Washington Post … Read more

How Dyson’s Winning Strategy Depends On Who They DON’T Hire

The “Ballbarrow” was never really a product destined for greatness. Replacing a wheel in a traditional wheelbarrow with a ball hardly qualifies as a groundbreaking technological innovation. But it does solve a problem. Great inventions usually do. And when James Dyson first created and produced his Ballbarrow, it was a hit with gardeners seeking an … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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