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Yoplait Bravely Tells Moms To Give Kids Sugar Because It Tastes Good

Trying to reverse its declining market share, Yoplait’s new campaign skips competing on health to focus on taste instead. The ad brings to life all the things moms are often criticized for – like breastfeeding in public or having kids later in life – and invites moms to “Do What Tastes Right” and forget about … Read more

The Surprising Brand That Won Big At Cannes

The most famous portraits in history are all painted from the torso up. That was the interesting insight from Ogilvy that led to this campaign for shoe polish brand Kiwi which recently won big at the Cannes festival. By commissioning artists to draw the bottom half of famous paintings like the Mona Lisa – this … Read more

Apple Imagines Destroying The World At WWDC 

During its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) this past week described by one media outlet as a “parody of itself,” Apple launched a video intended to show developers how much the world needs them and the apps they build. The video, unfortunately, ended up illustrating just how much havoc Apple could wreak if it chose to … Read more

How Convenience Is Transforming Dating, Fast Food, Fashion And More

This week I kept seeing the recurring theme of convenience. Whether it was a story about how cell phones can be used for monitoring disease carrying mosquitos to a new Amazon Echo Virtual Stylist that will judge your new outfit. There is a new portable scanner that will test the pesticides in your fruit and … Read more

The Awesome and Terrifying Future Of Influencer Marketing

This week the FTC sent warning letters to more than 90 “influencers and marketers” as a reminder to disclose when social media posts are paid for by advertisers. The move comes in a week filled with stories about the nature of influencer marketing, the sad reality of what it takes to be popular today and exactly … Read more

6 Powerful Stories Celebrating Women

As I am sure you have noticed, yesterday was International Women’s Day and it was hard to miss all the stories about women’s empowerment and marches and political statements. For me, the most powerful stories (and the ones I selected for this week’s email) had little to do with politics and much more to do … Read more

How To Build Trust In An Era Of Desperate Truth Seeking Consumers

It is hard to get away from the feeling that we are being manipulated all the time. This week there were plenty of new stories of divisive characters losing their audience, brands trying new ways to be more truthful, and talk show host John Oliver trying to define reality itself. The theme this week is the … Read more

LinkedIn Redesign, Whole Food’s Big Idea and Tech That’s Always Listening

As you know, this weekly post is a collection of interesting stories, but today I was inspired to try something different. Rather than sharing individual stories, I’m going to make connections and instead share three themes with multiple stories, along with a collection of links to stories that caught my attention this week. In the … Read more

Glow-In-The-Dark Hair, Secret NYC Trains, Nike’s Anti-Social Ad, and Citibank’s Flawed Strategy

First of all, thank you for indulging me for the past two weeks as I shared my favorite books of the year and also announced my latest book – this week I’m back with my picks for the most interesting and under appreciated stories of the week and they range from a brilliant new ad … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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