As part of our Olympics trip this summer, we made a side visit to Lyon and drove across the border to Switzerland. Driving in Europe, one thing that became immediately clear is that drivers there understand the concept of a passing lane. In most places across the US, this seems to be a concept that most American drivers struggle with. Especially in Florida. So I was immediately on board when I read this week about Nissan’s new advanced driver system that includes a feature called “Passing Assist” which will nudge people out of the “fast lane” if they’ve been driving there too long.
Now that we’re talking about going beyond safety warning systems to improving driving manners, there are a few other suggestions they could add (and pilot test in Florida!). It would be nice to have a feature that suggests someone might want to turn off their indicator if it’s been blinking for more than a minute. Or a lock prevention that doesn’t allow you to lock your vehicle and leave if it’s clearly parked in between two parking spots. What other ideas do you have that Nissan could add to their future feature roadmap?

PS – If you’re thinking I’m being unfairly harsh to Florida drivers, don’t blame me. The studies show they actually deserve it. And if you’re one of my readers from Florida, obviously I’m not talking about YOU. I’m trying to help you. 😉