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The One Thing That Could Change Media and Eliminate Fake News

Award-winning journalist Eric J Scholl published a story this week where he deconstructs Jonathan Swan’s interview with President Trump. As he notes in the article, the most powerful thing about the interview is how Swan fact checks the President DURING the interview and refutes his false claims in the moment. As Scholl writes: “If you can … Read more

The First Robot Many People Loved Is Getting a Second Life

Last year in I wrote about a story from WIRED about the unexpectedly real sense of loss that many owners of the Jibo robot were feeling when its parent company announced they would no longer be supporting the social bot. Now another company has acquired the rights and patents to Jibo and have plans for a bold … Read more

Why CES Going Digital Is A Big Deal

By now, events going digital is not really big news – so you might wonder why I’m singling out this week’s announcement from CES. When the world’s largest tech conference goes virtual, that’s a different magnitude. More importantly, the announcement coming six months before the event will offer plenty of runway for every exhibitor and participant … Read more

Millennials Move Into Childhood Bedrooms and Revisit Their Youth

Many young city dwellers left their apartments to move back home with parents when Covid-19 shut down everything. For most, that meant moving back into their childhood rooms, and having a unique forced opportunity to make peace with their own younger selves. This NY Times article explores how many are treating it as a chance … Read more

Netflix’s Controversial New Show On Indian Arranged Marriages

A new Netflix eight-part mini-series called Indian Matchmaking has been sparking a big debate online because of how it shines a spotlight on what one observer called “Brahmanical patriarchy … shaped by gender, caste, and economic relationships.” The show tells the story of arranged marriages from the perspective of a famous matchmaker who uses “biodata” to connect people. … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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