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8 Marketing Lessons From "The Rescue"

IMB_JosephKonyGraphic On April 25th, tens of thousands of people across the world “abducted themselves” as part of “The Rescue” in a show of support for the child soldiers that have been recruited over the past 20+ years as part of the conflict in Uganda and neighboring countries. The documentary has spawned several interesting real life advocacy events, and I have written about them before on this blog. What’s different this time around is that Twitter and Facebook have both become far more dominant as means of communication for many socially active people. “#therescue” was a trending topic on Twitter for much of the weekend and continues to stay in a the Top 5 spot even as the threat of #swineflu remains a hot online topic.

As I watched the video and thought about the marketing of this campaign, it was clear there are many lessons to learn from the web component of this campaign. Rather than share them in a blog post, I decided to put together a short presentation that you can download and share. As you take an inside look at some of the choices this campaign made to be successful, I hope you’ll consider not just supporting their effort, but passing this presentation to somone else who could benefit from the lessons, as well as spread the word about the campaign:

7 thoughts on “8 Marketing Lessons From "The Rescue"”

  1. اغاني راب
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    صور ديالا بالمطار

  2. It was a fantastic event, and twitter and facebook played a huge role in not only getting the word out about the event, but also the Rescue Riders would not have been possible with out Web 2.0.

    Between the livefeed running from the office 24/7 and the constant twitter updates, people knew which cities to ride to and if they needed to bring anything along to help out. Pizzas were sent from Washington to feed Rescue Riders in Richmond, VA. And all because of twitter and the live feed.

    The website was updated in almost real time with posts sent in via txt or email with photos from events as they were happening.

    It really was a landmark international event that capitalized on the benefits of Web 2.0.

  3. Great ideas for a stronger online marketing approach. The tactic of giving choices for spreading the word and keeping in contact seems especially wise since people like to choose what works best for them when supporting a cause. Choices give people a sense of ownership, making them much more likely to spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, or by printing flyers or posters to hand out in their local community – a brilliant move, by the way. On this same note, “The Rescue” could also have benefitted by pre-printing posters or flyers and mailing them to people who are unable to print their own or who simply won’t take the time. This also allows for a cause to manage the quality of advertising.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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