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The Non-Obvious Insights Show – Episode #216

After writing my weekly email newsletter for just over four years, one of the questions I’m most often asked about is the stories that didn’t make it into my newsletter. I spend hours every week reading and compiling the most fascinating stories to include – but I usually only share around six stories. What about the rest? Last week I decided to start live streaming a video show where I would talk not only about the stories of the week, but also talk about some of the stories that were left on the cutting room floor. Every Thursday at noon EST, I’ll be sharing those stories and streaming the show live. In case you missed it – here’s the first episode:

Here are the stories covered this week with links for further reading:

Is this Zoom on? A club crawl through the brave new world of live comedy online –

Can we all agree to stop performing now? –

What Do Famous People’s Bookshelves Reveal?

Zoom matchmaking is giving lockdown singletons a shot at love –

Alex Berenson: Coronavirus lockdowns take grim toll on mental health of Americans –

Nobody Knows What Is Going On –

Heinz Made a Ketchup Jigsaw Puzzle, and Every Single Piece Looks the Same –

Space Force | Official Teaser | Netflix –

Daniel Radcliffe and other stars are recording a free reading of the first Harry Potter book –

Did Galileo Truly Say, ‘And Yet It Moves’? A Modern Detective Story –

The Pandemic Has Revealed the Weakness of Strongmen –

8 ways to rethink virtual events for the age of social distancing –

Hermès is playfully busy on Instagram –

This Pandemic Could Spark an Urban Exodus –

‘I feel like a 1950s housewife’: how lockdown has exposed the gender divide –

US patent office rules that artificial intelligence cannot be a legal inventor –

PS – Sorry about the strange audio shift around 11:12 in the video due to bandwidth issues with the streaming video. After doing our second show, we figured out the issue and managed to fix it moving forward!

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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