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Can Coke Start A Trend To Make Inspiration A Form Of Co-Creation?

What if you could join your favourite band in studio to record their next single? For many, this is just a moment to dream of – but last month Coca-Cola partnered with the rock band Maroon 5 to do exactly that in a social experiment to create a new song in 24 hours. Fans could watch a live stream of the band working on a new song in the studio and contribute to the brainstorming process in real time via a Twitter screen that was broadcast live to the band. Check out the recap video below:

The end result was a single called "Is There Anybody Out There?" that is available for a free download from Coke. Aside from being an amazingly creative campaign idea, this could spark more brands to consider a new form of co-creation where consumers are invited not to create content themselves, but to be the spark for professionals to create content. In a sense, this is no different than real life where artists often take their inspiration from their fans.

Though Coke's efforts have cause some to raise valid criticism about whether the campaign can be considered all that successful since the views and audience seems small by Coke standards, sometimes the most forward thinking ideas aren't the ones which go viral right away. To me, the real power of this campaign is that it imagines a world where brands can help connect people with the artists they love in a way that empowers them to contribute to what the artists are creating.

Inspiration as a form of co-creation is not just a great marketing concept, but one which offers musicians and even filmmakers a new way to engage their audience on a deeper level and also get better ideas and inspiration to make their work better.  The only downside is that it leaves a lot of people to thank from the Grammy/Oscars stage …

4 thoughts on “Can Coke Start A Trend To Make Inspiration A Form Of Co-Creation?”

  1. I have always believed in the energy and effectiveness that come from brainstorming, so the idea of having fans input live while a band is recording a new song seems like a win-win to me. Even if it does only reach a small niche audience, it can be duplicated with other bands in other genres. It may take a bit more time, but one of the great advantages to social media is being able to more effectively reach that niche market.

    I think with this concept and their recent “happiness” campaign with vending machines and “vending” trucks that drive around various countries giving out free items shows that Coca-Cola is willing to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas. Without risk and experimentation in advertising companies miss out on many great opportunities to reach consumers.

  2. Seattle’s Best Coffee recently did something that flirted with this idea by teaming up with Second City Comedy. Facebook fans were asked to inspire the comedy for 24 hours in exchange for free samples and the opportunity to win a customized comedy skit posted to their Facebook walls. It looks like Coke took it to the next level, and I’m excited to see more brands engage consumers this way!

  3. yep it is having a strong network which really influence the people a lot. Co-creation is a form of market or business strategy that emphasizes the generation and ongoing realization of mutual firm-customer value.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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