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Why Your Brand Should Sit Out Valentine’s Day (And Shut Up)

I’m not a Valentine’s Day hater. In fact, I love celebrating the fact that I’m married to an amazing woman. Reading all the happy posts from friends and family is a great feeling. I even don’t mind the usual marketing for flowers and jewelry or exotic vacations all day. But just because today happens to be a holiday (kind of), doesn’t mean it has to be YOUR brand’s holiday. Buying new tires isn’t romantic – and neither is your super sale. No, Valentine’s Day isn’t a great day to sell anything red. And if you’re offering free divorces on Valentine’s Day – there’s probably a special place in hell waiting for you.

So here’s a Valentine’s Day marketing strategy that has been under appreciated for far too many years: just shut up. Let lovers enjoy each other. Give the single people a break on trying to exploit loneliness. And for once, maybe just decide to skip the Valentine’s promotion.

Don’t worry, you can always offer a sale for no reason on President’s Day. It’s just a few days from now anyway.

4 thoughts on “Why Your Brand Should Sit Out Valentine’s Day (And Shut Up)”

  1. Oh Rohit I couldn’t agree more. I would be interested in getting your take on the whole “newsjacking” phenomenon (personally I think it often crosses the boundaries of ethical marketing).

  2. Thought the same things seeing ill-fitting Valentine’s promotions hit my InBox (Valentine’s specials on Webinars?!). I wonder if simply envisioning the Valentine’s milieu, i.e. the couple at a nice candelit table, would be enough to sway most of these advertisers to sit it out till President’s Day, as you say.

  3. Good point, Rohit! As you have poinetd out before, too many marketing people are doing what everybody else does, instead of developing thier own brand´s unique personality and position.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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