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Why The “World’s First” AI-Powered Hotel May Be More Than Fancy Marketing

From the outside the Otonomus Hotel (pun probably intended) doesn’t really look much different from any other spot. The property just had their soft-launch before officially opening in April 2025, declaring themselves the “first true AI-powered hotel in the world.” I can already picture you rolling your eyes. Despite the cringe-worthy marketing hyperbole, there are some features the hotel has planned which could indeed offer a glimpse into a future normal for hotel stays we can all expect.

For example, the system promises to respond to verbal prompts about specifics a guest might want such as adjoining rooms or a room near the pool or a certain temperature in the room. If you give permission, the AI system will also ask you about your preferences and what you like to do. Then comes the fun part. They can customize elements of your stay and in theory, react to your preferences. If you’re a swimmer, they could automatically bring you extra towels. Love to stay up late? The system can give you promotions for happy hour drinks. With enough time and data, the hotel could build up enough personality profile information to offer a Netflix-style experience where they can predict what you would like and offer it before you even know you want it.

Of course, there’s the usual privacy concerns, and the potential for a constant upsell on property will be immediate turnoffs for future guests. Still, it’s easy to imagine many of these features becoming commonplace inside hotels of the future. In a few months, for better or worse, you’ll be able to experience that future for yourself.

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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