Back in early Fall of 2023, Glamour magazine launched a series of articles on the topic of “bridesmaid burnout.” Inspired by the spiraling demands of time, money and emotional labor heaped upon bridesmaids, the series collected advice on everything from asking about financial expectations to how to decline being a bridesmaid without killing your friendship.
Are modern bridesmaids unwilling to just show up and be good friends anymore? Or have the expectations really become more unreasonable? As the series points out, these questions are not the point. Strong friendships require honesty … particularly about the things no one really wants to talk about. And content like this helps open the door to have these conversations.

As we approach the start of what the industry calls wedding season, some of the articles in this series may be worth reading and sharing … whether you happen to be a bridesmaid or just hoping to empathize with people involved in a wedding you’ll be attending.