According to fashion industry insiders, Prada’s latest release of a $650 pair of underwear is “no surprise” given the brand’s track record of expensive essentials. What was unexpected, however, was how the brand seemed to be positioning the underwear as desirable outerwear without pants.
In conversation at a fashion industry event once, I recall hearing these runway designs that may seem ridiculous to outsiders as a “provocation.” Many are not meant to literally be a piece of clothing someone might wear but rather as an invitation to rethink the way we choose to share our identity with the world through the way we dress. So, what might wearing underwear instead of pants signal to the world about your personality?
Confidence. Rebelliousness. Lack of social awareness. At the end of the day, it did work for Superman, right?
What Is Prada’s New $650 Underwear Designed to Be Worn Without Pants Really Saying?