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Today’s Perfect Tourism Campaign: Send Your Virtual Scream To Iceland

There are many things these days that might make you want to scream out loud – but it’s not always easy to find a place to do it. Now, in a timely new campaign for Iceland tourism, you can send your most heartfelt scream to them and the Icelanders will release that scream in nature for you. The campaign is called “Looks Like You Need Iceland” and it’s a perfect way to remind people about the therapeutic effects of a scream but also of being out in a remote place far from others. While people may not be ready or able to book their next holiday right now, this campaign will get people dreaming of making Iceland their next destination when they finally do travel again.

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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