If the upcoming U.S. Presidential election and potential ensuing backlash and chaos has you up at night, this book might offer a helpful reminder that everything happens on a much longer timescale than we sometimes feel as we live through history. In the book, renowned futurist and geopolitical expert George Friedman paints a picture of what the next 100 years of our world might look like. From predicting that Poland will become a global superpower to the rise of Mexico, it’s a sobering and fascinating read that blurs the line between science fiction and future reality. Of course, anything that promises to predict the next 100 years is going to include a wild amount of speculation … but the imagined future Friedman shares offers an interesting lens through which to view the world. At its core, even though the book is almost 15 years old, it reminds all of us that no matter how important the now seems to us (because we are in it) … there’s always a longer time scale to consider. In other words, whatever happens next week too will pass.
About the Non-Obvious Book Selection of the Week:
Every week I will be featuring a new “non-obvious” book selection worth sharing. Titles featured here may be new or from the backlist, but the date of publication doesn’t really matter. My goal is to elevate great books that perhaps deserve a second look which you might have otherwise missed.