If you’re like me, you may soon find yourself with just a little more time to think, due to business travel slowing and holidays not quite starting yet. This combination may offer you just a little more time to consider new ideas. When that happens for you, this collection of “20 Paradoxes That Will Boggle Your Mind” from Mental Floss may be a fun read. Many of the paradoxes are described through stories and moments from history or myths that add color to the idea of the paradox.

More interestingly, the various paradoxes can lead to some interesting thinking models that might shape how you approach the challenges you’re facing right now at work or in life. Reading this collection for me was a bit like the experience of reading poetry … you have to stop and reflect after each one instead of just reading all the way through in a single sitting. The time you take to do that is a beautiful way to expand your mindset and imagine some new priorities and opportunities for next year.