For the 12th year, the Core 77 Design Awards have spanned 22 categories and showcased product, branding and conceptual ideas from students and professionals imagining solutions to global challenges. This year’s range of winners span from shape-shifting fabric concepts to speculative design of a dystopian capitalist future. The entire site and descriptions of winners is the very definition of a rabbit hole so beware of the full list of award winners as it can very quickly turn into a time-consuming diversion.

Clearly, I’m speaking from personal experience as I spent about an hour browsing all the ideas there. One that stood out for me, perhaps because I continue to be fascinated by the possibilities of saved scent-based memory, was the concept of a scent camera submitted by a student from Loughborough University. I love the idea of being able to buy a scent re-creation as a souvenir from a holiday destination and then use it in the future to recall your journey. If you do spend a bit of time browsing the rest of the winners, let me know what stood out for you too!