I have probably watched that darts scene from Ted Lasso a dozen times. If you know the show, you probably understand why I would love it. And if you haven’t, you need to see it now (you’ll still get it even if you haven’t seen the show). I’m linking the full video below.

This week Netflix shared the news that they are creating a new feature called “Moments” that lets you save scenes like this that you might want to watch and rewatch. This is absolutely brilliant on many levels. For one, being able to come back to your favorite scenes that stir up specific emotions is a wonderful reason to keep people coming back to Netflix. Using movie or TV scenes to shift your mood, get you charged up or help you deal with a stuff situation is one of the most common things people do on YouTube already – as evidenced by how popular clips of key scenes are.
Being able to save them on Netflix would let you easily return to them on the big screen. On the other side, this gives Netflix yet another data point on what scenes and types of content resonate most for people … which they can use to make decisions on future programming. It’s the rare sort of feature that seems, on the surface, to be a win for everyone. Unless you hate your viewing behavior being tracked, quantified and monetized. In which case, you’ll probably need to focus on resurrecting your DVD and VHS collection.