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How Millennials Became Workaholics, Japan’s Big Hacking Experiment and Why People Believe Tabloids | Non-Obvious Insights 01.31.19

  • Millennials Glorify #Hustle,Take Unhealthy Workaholism Mainstream
    As we live through the rise of “#hustle culture,” this article provides a much needed reminder that we need to stop celebrating workaholism among Millennials and instead describe the workplaces which foster this culture for what they are: toxic and inhumane.  
  • Japan Hacks 200 Million Devices In Pre-Olympic CyberSecurity Test 
    To prepare for the Olympics, the Japanese government will hack citizen’s devices to test cybersecurity measures. For those worried about the obvious privacy concerns, the country has promised not store data and to inform those who are hacked … so there’s clearly nothing to worry about.  
  • Unlike Competitors, Trader Joe’s Gives Up Home Grocery Delivery
    In a time when most of their competitors are investing heavily in home delivery (and paying delivery people unfairly), Trade Joe’s has decided to take a different approach and stop their delivery program altogether. This article takes you inside the reasons for their unexpected shift and why this might be a great brand decision.
  • Gamer Falls Asleep On Live Stream, Wakes Up and Goes Viral
    This is a story about the wonderfully human moment where a gamer posted a live stream of himself, feel asleep, and woke up to find 200 people watching him. What it shows is just how much we crave authentic human moments … even if it’s just watching a live streaming video of a guy who accidentally fell asleep and wondering when he’ll wake up. 
  • Why Jennifer Aniston Is Always Pregnant (According To Tabloids)
    If there is any form of media undeserving of your time or money, it’s tabloids. They fabricate stories, create harmful memes and encourage unhealthy beliefs. I always wondered what type of person might buy one – and why. This interesting article has the disturbing answers. 
  • How Collective Nostalgia Makes People Prefer Domestic Products
    Personal nostalgia is having an influence over what we believe because the past drives our memories and personalities. It turns out that reminding people of a significant shared moment in history may be enough to create a sort of “collective nostalgia” among large groups. Read the interesting study around this emerging area described n this article. 

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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