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Mail In Voting, Ballots and the Truth About Voting Transparency in America

Vote by mail

I already voted. Millions of Americans have too. In Virginia, you can register to vote by absentee ballot and just mail in your vote early. The majority of states have similar mail-in options for voters. I do that in every election. No standing in line. No awkward conversations with pollsters asking how I voted. Just fill in … Read more

This Chatbot Could Actually Change Minds … Using Facts?!

Debunk chatbot

The prevailing wisdom about human behaviors and beliefs today is that facts are not persuasive in changing minds or shifting beliefs. Usually, it’s true. That’s one reason why there is so much focus on becoming a better storyteller and why every category from politicians to breakfast cereal marketers primarily relies on stories to connect with … Read more

UK Non-Profit Ties Baby Slings on Statues to Fight for Paternity Leave

UK NGO baby slings

Across London this week, people have been encountering an unusual sight. Statues of famous men are adorned with wraparound baby carriers filled with dolls. The exhibits are part of a campaign from non-profit Dad Shift to get the UK government to pass legislation allowing for greater paternity leave for new dads (the UK has the worst … Read more

This Yogurt Brand Will Pay You $1000 To Stay Off Social Media Until After the Election Is Over

How will you avoid the toxic conversations that often come along with an election cycle? It might start with avoiding social media altogether. Yogurt brand Stonyfield is challenging their customers to do that and rewarding 100 winners with $1000 each if they can do it. The campaign’s website describes the intention of the campaign like this: It’s election … Read more

The Non-Obvious Book of the Week: STFU – The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in An Endlessly Noisy World, by Dan Lyons


Fresh from hours of pundit cross examining and dissecting the first (and probably only) Presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, it’s hard to imagine a timelier read than Dan Lyon’s modern classic STFU all about why we might all be better off if we could just get better at staying silent: Learning to … Read more

UPDATE: Behind the Scenes of Influencers at the DNC Convention

Influencers at DNC

Last week, many of you wrote to me about a story I shared about the treatment of the media at the Democratic National Convention and how they seemed to be elevating influencers above journalists in priority. One follow up video that offered more context on the story was this behind the scenes video look at the convention spaces created … Read more

What the Democrats Got Wrong About Media at the Convention

What the Democrats Are Getting Wrong About Media at the Convention

One of the truths about our new media environment is the central role that influencers are taking in the content people consume and trust. Particularly when it comes to young people and their media diet … so it’s no surprise that politicians are courting these influencers and hoping they can help inspire the younger generation … Read more

The Assassination Attempt and Why the “Obvious” Conclusions Are Usually Wrong

Huey Long

The biggest news story of the past week was certainly the assassination attempt on former President Trump’s life and almost immediately in the aftermath of the shooting there were plenty of theories about what had happened and who was behind it. The media dutifully reported on all of it, from conspiracy theories to early guesses … Read more

Too Little Government


Is there such a thing as too little government? This feels like a loaded political question in a time when trust in government is historically low. Government and business are usually positioned as enemies-The current fear is that more government regulation will stifle business, while too little regulation incentivizes the greediest companies and criminals to take advantage of a … Read more

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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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