The cheek implant was the fastest-growing men’s aesthetic procedure this past year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This so-called boom in “brotox” procedures, which includes everything from lip augmentations to butt lifts, is evidence of a growing willingness and social acceptance among men to consider undergoing beauty procedures.
It may also be an example of how the beauty industry “reached a point of total saturation when it comes to making women feel insecure about their appearance,” as The Guardian suggested, so now they are turning to men. That’s seeing this trend through a cynical lens.
A more empathetic perspective could be to accept that men too can now turn to cosmetic procedures as a way to bolster their self-confidence. It’s easy to criticize someone for going under the knife. And maybe easier to ridicule the men who do it. But if a medical procedure can dramatically improve someone’s sense of self, none of them deserve to be criticized for their choice to do it.
“Brotox” and the Men’s Cosmetic Procedure Boom