There are parts of the world where the first thing that residents check on their phones when they wake up isn’t their email or the weather. It’s the air quality report and based on the numbers, they decide if they will go out that day or not. This isn’t a reality that most Americans or Europeans are familiar with.
This week the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a stricter standard for fine particulate pollution (otherwise known as soot). While some critics say it’s not far enough, any additional regulation here seems like a good idea. It’s also a reminder that the EPA is one of the most underappreciated agencies in the federal government. Sadly, it’s survival and funding aren’t anywhere near the list of top issues getting covered by the media for the upcoming election, but if logic were a part of politics – this would be a swing issue.
The EPA needs to survive and have the funding to do its job. We all need to appreciate the lifesaving work it has done for decades to ban pesticides, prevent air and lead pollution, and clean up toxic sites. It should be the ultimate example of how government actually works well to protect citizen health and future generations. They are heroes.
Why We Should Celebrate the Most Underappreciated Agency in Government: The EPA