The future of work is hybrid. If there was one prediction I heard most often about the workplace coming out of the pandemic, this was it. Why would anyone want to return to work once they were able to stay at home and do Zoom calls in their pajamas? And presumably the savings on office real estate would bring companies on board with this too. Then we hit 2024 and huge tech companies and many others reversed course and demanded employees come back into the office, sometimes five days a week. The move is frequently criticized now as a “backdoor layoff” – a way to get rid of employees who relocated or simply don’t want to be back in the office anymore.

The truth may be a bit more nuanced. In this podcast, The Verge speaks with two experts to look at all the newest science and arguments both to and against the hybrid work trend. In theory, being at work for some reduced level where you can have the camaraderie with colleagues and the benefits of in-person human interactions while ALSO enjoying independent time at home when you can really concentrate and do work that requires some focus and solitude sounds great. The presumption, though, is that everyone is productive in the same way. Which is obviously a flawed argument.
So what will the future of work be and what should we be ready for? This podcast doesn’t really offer an answer, but it does include some useful arguments from two experts that you might be able to use to advocate for whichever work future you prefer.