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Sneak Preview: Ogilvy PR BlogFeeds

As part of our sponsorship of tomorrow’s WE Media Conference in New York, we started thinking about how we could offer something of value to the conference attendees beyond a typical brochure about our services. The conference aims to explore the ways in which new forms of communication are changing the way that we converse with one another.  Blogs are vital to that conversation, but with nearly 20 million blogs indexed on Technorati – a key challenge for all of us (particularly the ones less familiar with blogs and blogging) is knowing what to read and what to dismiss.  What is influential?

The Ogilvy PR BlogFeeds which we are distributing and publicizing at the conference tomorrow are an attempt for us to share a list of blogs that we consider influential … the ones that members of our teams in multiple disciplines across the agency are reading.  The feeds are currently offered in ten different categories, with plans to add more over time.  The Beta version of all feeds are online right now, with final version to be launched later today:

Obviously we can’t include every blog on each feed – but have a look and let us know if there are some big influential ones that you think we might have missed.  We’re always open to suggestions …

Also, below is a sample of the card that will be given to all conference attendees tomorrow:


3 thoughts on “Sneak Preview: Ogilvy PR BlogFeeds”

  1. That’s a great suggestion, Niall – it helps us around one component we struggled with … not being able to offer our own RSS feed of each of these pages because in some RSS aggregators, it might accidentally appear as if Ogilvy PR was the author of other’s blog posts. We’ll check into adding an OPML feed in the next round of updates.


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#1 WSJ & USA Today Bestselling Author

In addition to Non-Obvious Thinking, Rohit is the author of 10 books on trends, the future of business, building a more human brand with storytelling and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world.

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